4 year old (just turned 4 on 11/2024) AKC registered, health tested, titled Belgian Malinois female.
She is a proven momma and does an excellent job with her babies.
She is being retired from our program, however, could go onto another. She can go on Limited Registration (on spay contract as a pet only) or will consider Full Registration (with breeding rights) to the right home. Price differs from price listed. She will be coming back into heat in February of 2025.
She has OFA Excellent Hips, OFA Normal Elbows and a Full Breed Orivet Genetic Disease/Color Panel. She is Negative for diseases on the panel. Im happy to send over copies of her health testing to anyone interested. Please see OFA Hip & Elbow results at link below:
Please see link to her pedigree below. She is a West Ot Vitos.
More information and photos available.